Local Traffic Advisory Committee

Walkability and the use of non-motorized transportation is very popular in the borough. The ability for residents and visitors to enjoy these modes of transportation is put at risk by fear of, and actual safety deficiencies.
Traffic calming measures are mainly used to address speeding and high cut through traffic volumes on neighborhood streets. These issues can create an atmosphere in which non-motorists are intimidated, or even endangered, by motorized traffic. Additionally, high cut-through volumes become an increased concern when larger commercial vehicles are involved. Along with the additional amount of traffic generated within the neighborhood, cut-through motorists are often perceived as driving faster than local motorists. By addressing high speeds and cut-through volumes, traffic calming can increase both the real and perceived safety of pedestrians and bicyclists and improve the quality of life within the neighborhood. The evolution of traffic calming into 
complete streets also recognizes that traffic calming measures can include devices that enhance safety and mobility for bicyclists and pedestrians such as 
sidewalks, bike lanes and other non-motorized mode enhancements. (PennDOT Publication 383 (7-10))

The committee was formed by Borough Council to:

  1. Oversee the Traffic Calming Study and Approval Process
  2. Formulate a budget structure and annual request process to support traffic calming initiatives
  3. Incorporate Vision Zero strategies into the planning and prioritization process

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