Storm inlet filter installed to test overall benefits

MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) is the system of inlets within our Borough that is designed to collect and transport stormwater discharges. Ultimately, the water from our Borough ends up emptying into the Chesapeake Bay. Part of our responsibility as a Borough, and you as residents, is to prevent polluted discharges into the inlet system. An important fact to know is that the only thing that should be entering the storm inlets is stormwater, or water that is a result of rain events. However, as the water runs down the road, it can pick up sediment (such as rocks and trash) and chemicals (oils, greases), and carry them into the storm inlet that then results in heavy pollution running into our waterways.

The PIG Catch Basin Filtration Insert System is built to filter and hold up to 40 pounds of sediment that results from stormwater runoff. Additionally, this basin filters out any oils that may be entering the storm inlet such as oils from cars. By using this filter, we are preventing this from happening and meeting the standards with our MS4. The goal of this first installation is to weigh and test the contents periodically to see the effect that this basin filter provides, and whether installation in other areas would be beneficial.

 **basin is installed at main x high**

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